Build (or lose) Customer Loyalty through the Sale

Did you know that 58% of customer loyalty is driven by their buying experience with you, as opposed to your product or service? See how modern quoting and contracting can increase customer loyalty by simplifying the purchase process for customers.

John E. Kosar, III

Q1 is behind us and sales figures are tallied, now is the time to take the opportunity to look ahead at maximizing revenue for the rest of year. The digital reinvention of Sales Operations continues to be a critical differentiator in optimizing the sales experience to reduce the barriers between customers and the sale. 

Did you know that 58% of customer loyalty is driven by their buying experience with you, as opposed to your product or service?(IBM) There is a large case for B2Bs to streamline the funnel wherever possible to reduce the time and effort between that first sales engagement and the final handshake. 

For many companies, the greatest area of opportunity is in the final stages leading to the sale, either in configuring product quote (CPQ) or in contracting the right services and agreements (CLM). The opportunity for the mid-market digital investment has never been higher within Sales Operations. ALTAVI has foreseen this need and our team has been working diligently to build a connector between Model N enterprise-grade CPQ with bpm'online CRM, bringing industry best of breed at a competitive price.    

Acting in your best interests, always, 


Alone We Are Smart; Together We Are Brilliant

Whether you are looking for CPQ, CLM, or CRM, let us help you decide if a Quick-Start, Deep Dive, or Turnaround would be best for your organization.
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